Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,
I can't believe we are over half way through the term … I hope you are all enjoying some warmer weather.
Reports will be emailed to whanau on Friday 7th December. For those new to end of year reporting, the following is to support you to understand and make sense of this.
As you will be aware we report over the year using Seesaw to give ‘in the moment’ - videos, photos, and written information to share where your child is at and what their next steps are.
We have conferences with students, parents and teachers twice a year to allow us to get together and discuss progress and next steps.
The end of year report you will receive is a formal report. These reports will have your child's curriculum level placement for their years at our school. In some cases you will see good progress and in rare occasions you may not.
In the example below, you will notice that it shows both the level they are working at, and the year of schooling they are in. This allows us to show progress over time. These reports are in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The example below shows a students Reading achievement against the New Zealand Curriculum levels, who has been at school for six years.
If you have any questions about your child's report, you MUST speak to the child's teacher, who can explain their decisions and how these have been made and moderated. These reports are highly likely to change in the next year as the New Zealand Curriculum Refresh continues. We will keep you updated on this.
PLEASE NOTE: Our student management system will only send the email to your child's primary contact. We ask families to pass these reports on to the other parties in co-parenting situations. If this will be difficult for you, please let our school office know before Friday!
As always, please check your child's Seesaw, and speak to your child's teacher if you would like any supplementary information on your child's learning, achievement, or progress.
Class Placements
A reminder that we are working through our placements for next year. We have had many requests from parents. Please remember that we cannot make promises but as always we will do our best to find the right mix for ALL our students. Please do not send any more requests as these are now closed.
In the next few weeks we will announce classroom placements and your child will meet their teacher for next year. This can be an exciting experience for some children but a time of anxiety for others. We have worked really hard to ensure we do the best we can for everyone, and we would really appreciate your support to promote these changes in a positive way.
Students leaving Enner Glynn
If your child/ children will be leaving Enner Glynn at the end of this year, we would appreciate you letting us know in the office.
Our Year 5 and 6 students have been at camp over the past two weeks. This has been an amazing opportunity for them to build their confidence and resilience in new and different situations. Our heartfelt thanks to those parents who have given their time to come and support at the camp. An especial ‘THANK YOU to our wonderful teachers and LS’s who have gone over and above to provide this incredible opportunity.
Tapitomata - Health Flyer
Tapitomata is our attendance service. The have sent through a health flyer to support with whether your child should come to school due to health reasons - see below
Upcoming Events
Big Day OUT or Big Day IN - each of our four teams - Te Rito, Tu Atea, Te Ara & Manaaki have organised either an end of year activity for our tamariki. Please watch out for further details around these in the coming weeks.
New classes announced - Tuesday 3rd December - with 2 follow up visits before the end of the year
Reports go home - Friday 7th December
A wee Reminder
The end of a school year is a mixed bag. The formality of the school day winds down towards the end of the year and lots of fun and exciting activities happen. It can also be a challenging time for our students who may be just tired, anxious about change or a little nervous about moving to a new classroom next year. As a staff we are very aware of this, and work to ensure that they are all safe, happy and engaged whilst managing the range of emotions from anxiety to excitement. Please let your child’s teacher know if you have concerns, so they can work with you to support in the most effective way.
Happy Friday - I hope you enjoy your weekend as we begin the countdown to the end of the year!
Ngā mihi