Kia ora koutou.
This is just a quick update on the following two matters:
Some covid cases in the school
Reports coming home Friday
I will give you a brief run down on these below.
A Quick Covid Update
We have been made aware of a couple of students who have tested positive for covid in our school. It is probably timely for a quick reminder about the rules around this.
If you develop COVID-19 symptoms get tested immediately.
Only people who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate for seven days.
Household contacts are recommended to take a rapid antigen test (RAT) every day for five days. Avoid contact with the person who has had COVID-19, and avoid contact with vulnerable people.
We ask our community to please let us know if their child is absent due to covid illness, We also ask that symptomatic students are NOT sent to school. Anyone who is sick, regardless of a negative test, should not come to school.
Our thanks to you for your support with this.
Reports coming home Friday
This Friday you will receive an emailed copy of your child's end of year report. These reports will have your child's curriculum level placement for their years at our school. In some cases you will see good progress and in rare occasions you may not. If you have any questions about your child's report, you MUST speak to the child's teacher, who can explain their decisions and how these have been made and moderated. These reports are highly likely to change in the next year or two as the New Zealand Curriculum Refresh continues. We will keep you updated on this.
PLEASE NOTE: Our student management system will only send the email to your child's primary contact. We ask families to pass these reports on to the other parties in co-parenting situations. If this will be difficult for you, please let our school office know before Friday!
As always, please check your child's Seesaw, and speak to your child's teacher if you would like any supplementary information on your child's learning, achievement, or progress.
With thanks
Isaac Day